Presentation and right of information

VIOLETA COSMETICS sl: from now on my secret spain, is aware of the importance that for you means the use we make of your personal information and the way we share it. We appreciate the trust that he has placed in us to treat it with due rigor and caution. this notice details the privacy policy of my secret when visiting www. oted accepts and aware of the practices described in this privacy notice.

(1) collection, storage and use of personal data

Mia secret spain informs, for the purposes of organic law 15/1999 of 13 December, of the protection of personal data, of the existence of a personal data file, in order to perform the maintenance and management of the commercial relationship with the user. Therefore, you agree that these data are incorporated into our files for the purpose of managing the business relationship.

the customer has the rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation that you can exercise through the website (apart from my account) or by email addressed to or postcard to the following address: mia secret españa, calle san emilio 68, 28017 madrid. This request must contain: name and surnames, domicile, photocopy of the dni or passport, and request for the application.

We inform that the completion of any existing form on our website or the sending of an email to any of our mailboxes implies the acceptance of this privacy policy, as well as the authorization to my secret spain to use the personal data provided.

by the mere visit to the web, users do not provide personal information or are obliged to provide it.
My secret spain is committed to keeping the maximum reservation and confidentiality on the information provided and to using it only for the purposes indicated.

it is presumed that the data has been introduced by its owner or person authorized by it, as well as are correct and accurate.

mia secret spain will take the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure the safety of personal data and avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. Also, my secret spain is committed to the confidentiality of data.

Authorises and grants your express consent My secret spain for the processing of so personal data for the following purposes:

  • Allow the provision of the contracted service.
  • Identify you in the case of registration as a user.
  • Send you emails informing you about the possible promotions and discounts of the products and services offered through the website.
  • Properly manage the contracted service by being able to resolve any type of issue or impact related to the contracted services and respond agile, reliable and expeditiously to all queries, concerns or suggestions you wish to raise.
  • Send newsletters.
  • Show you smart advertising and improve our services and products. based on your browsing data we collect using cookies, we will show you personalized advertising adapted to so drops and preferences. automated decisions will not be made on the basis of this profile that produce legal or significant effects for oted. the commercial profile that is produced through cookies may be used by third party sites to show you personalized advertising. you can configure so preferences through our cookie policy.
  • Cession of such data to competent bodies or authorities, in the event that they are required for the fulfilment of legally required obligations.

In accordance with Article 21 of Law 34/2002 of information society services, if you are our client/user and maintains a contractual relationship with us, we are legally authorized to send you newsletters and commercial and promotional communications related to the services of my secret spain by letter, telephone, e-mail, SMS/MMS, or other equivalent electronic media, in all other cases we will proceed to obtain your consent.

My secret spain informs you that personal data will not be transferred to third parties except under the following conditions:

  • For the proper provision of the service, in this case so data can be accessed by those providers who provide services to my secret spain, such as content hosting services, instant messaging, sending notifications, advertising services, etc. mia secret spain has socried the corresponding contract of order of treatment with each of the providers that provide you so services with the objective of ensuring that such suppliers will treat so data in accordance with the legislation.
  • Legal obligation, such personal data may also be transferred to the competent authorities in cases where such obligation exists.

(2) transmission of personal data

2.1 We will transmit personal data in the framework of the execution of the contract to the companies responsible for the delivery of the products or to the financial institutes responsible for processing the payments.
2.2 when paying by credit card or by account through paypal we provide so payment data in the framework of payment processing to paypal (European) S.à r.l. et cie, S.C.A., 22-24 boulevard royal, L-2449 luxemburg. you will find more information on the privacy policy for paypal services at:

3. Acceptance of my secret spain privacy policy.

The user expressly accepts this privacy policy and grants his or her express consent to the automated processing of the personal data provided. However, the user may revoke the consent, in every commercial or advertising statement that is submitted to him or her, and at any time, by notification in the following email address info@my secretspain.Or by letter addressed to the detailed address in the introduction of this privacy policy.

4. rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (arc rights).

My secret spain informs you that along with the right to be informed of the way you are doing it in this privacy policy, you have the following rights:

  • Right of access to know that your data are being treated, for what purposes, the origin of them and whether we communicate them or have communicated them to third parties.
  • Right to rectify and modify so data when they are incomplete or inaccurate.
  • The right to deletion of such data if the purpose for which they were provided has disappeared, the treatment is not lawful, or revokes its consent and other cases provided by law.
  • Right of opposition to prevent us from dealing with such data for certain purposes, or to request that we stop doing so even if it is only possible in cases established by law.
  • The right to request the limitation of the treatment while checking the challenge of the accuracy of the same, or understands that the treatment is illegal and opposes the deletion of the data, or mya secret spain no longer needs the data but you need them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims, or you have opposed the treatment of them for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest while verifying the existence of the aforementioned interest and its prevalence on yours.
  • The right to portability to receive so data in a structured and used electronic format and to be able to transmit them to another responsible.
  • Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions so that we do not make a decision oted based solely on the processing of so data that produces legal effects on your person or affects you in a similar way.

For the exercise of any of these rights oted can be addressed in writing to Violeta cosmetics S.L., c/ san melio 68, 28017,Madrid (Spanish)
the communication addressed to my secret spain should contain the following information:

  • Name and surnames of the user; no national identity document, or passerby or other valid document identifying it.
  • Request for the application.
  • Address for notifications, date and signature of the user.
  • Documents of the request.

We also inform you that you have the right to apply for guardianship or to file a complaint with the data protection agency ( if you understand that you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.

5. accuracy and quality of data provided by users.

The user guarantees that the personal data provided are accurate and accurate and is responsible for communicating toMy secret spainAny modification of the same. the user will, in any case, respond to the accuracy of the data provided, reservingMy secret spainThe right to exclude from registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other actions that proceed in law.

6. security measures adopted by my secret spain.

Mia secret spain takes all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of so data and to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, all in compliance with the provisions of the lopd and the rlopd.

My secret spain undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding the processing of personal data in accordance with applicable law, and informs you that it has established additional measures in order to strengthen the confidentiality and integrity of the information,continuous maintenance of the monitoring, control and evaluation of the processes to ensure the privacy of the treated data.

7. modifications or changes.

My secret spain reserves the right to review your privacy policy at the time you consider it appropriate, in which case users will be informed. However, please check this privacy statement regularly to read the latest version of my secret spain privacy policy.

8. informed consent.

Oted expressly accepts this privacy policy and through the established dual opt-in procedure grants its express and unequivocal consent to the processing of personal data provided. However, you may revoke the consent, in every commercial or advertising statement that is sent to you, and at any time, by means of the link enabled to the effect or by letter addressed to the detailed address in the introduction of this privacy policy (calle san emlio no 68,28027,Madrid)

Use of google adwords Conversion-Tracking

We use the online advertising program "google adwords" and Conversion-Tracking within the google adwords framework. google conversion tracking is an analysis service of google inc. (1600 amphitheatre parkway, mountain view, ca 94043, ee. uu;. hence google).
if you click on an ad offered by google, a cookie is stored for the Conversion-Tracking service on your computer. These cookies have limited validity, do not contain personal data and therefore do not serve for personal identification.
if you visit certain web pages of our website and the cookie has not yet lost its validity, google and we will be able to detect that you have clicked on the ad and that has been redirected to that page.
every customer of google adwords gets a different cookie. In this way, there is no possibility of tracking cookies through the websites of adwords customers.
the information collected with the help of the conversion cookie serves to create conversion statistics for adwords customers that have been decided by the Conversion-Tracking service. In this way, customers get information about the total number of users who have clicked on their ad and have been redirected to a page provided with a Conversion-Tracking tag. However, they do not receive information through which users can be personally identified.
if you do not want to be part of the tracking service, you can cancel your use by avoiding the installation of cookies by using the corresponding attachment in your browser software (possibility of deactivation). in this way, it will not be included in the statistics of Conversion-Tracking.
at the following address you will find more detailed information on google data protection declaration:

Use of google analytics

This website uses google analytics, a web analysis service of google inc. (hereinafter, google). google analytics uses the so-called cookies, text files that are memorized on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website on your part. In general, the information generated by the cookie about its use of this website is sent and memorized on a google server in ee. uu.

In case of activation of the ip anonymization on this website, your ip address will be abbreviated previously by google within the member states of the European Union or in other signatory states of the agreement on the European economic space. your ip address will only be sent to a google server in ee. uu. and abbreviated only in exceptional cases.

By order of the manager of this website, google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website in order to compile reports on the activities of the website and provide other services related to the use of the website and the use of the internet in front of the website manager. the ip address transferred by your browser under the google analytics service will not be related to other google data. you can avoid memorization of cookies performed the corresponding garlic in your browser software. However, we caution you that, in such a case, you may not be able to fully use all the functions of this website.

Additionally, you can avoid registering the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your ip address) in google as well as processing such data by google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available in the following link:

Customer rights and contact information

You have the right at all times to receive free information about the memorized data about your person, as well as to request rectification, deletion and blocking of them. if you wish, please contact us. in our legal notice you will find our contact details.

The present privacy policy regulates the access and use of the service of this website (hereinafter the "website") title of my secret spain

My secret spain states that the personal data required to users will be strictly necessary. you will be informed in your case of the obligation to provide certain data, such as the name and surname, the email address, the phone, among other personal data, without which it would not be possible to carry out the benefit.

Such data will be those that you provide or those that may be collected on the website owned by my secret spain, through contact forms or through the recruitment process, or by any other means.

All fields of the data collection forms will be obligated to complete (unless otherwise indicated), so that the omission of any of them will entail the impossibility that we can meet your request.

Mia secret spain informs you that the personal data you provide through this website will be incorporated into an automated personal data file duly registered in the general data protection registry of the Spanish data protection agency, of which it is responsible my secret spain and this, in compliance with the provisions of the rgpd and the lopd.

Cookie consent